Downsizing World
3D Printed and hand made models. RC boat accessories, wargame scenery and more… by Neil Stiller.
Downsizing World
Noahs Ark RC
Noah’s RC Ark is our local friendly RC specialist supplier. Gemma, Sam and of course, Noah have a wealth of knowledge and experience of all things radio-controlled with a specialism in fast offshore power boats.
All members of the Hayling Island Model Boat Club can enjoy a 15% discount on items purchased via the website. Please visit this link to find out how to get your discount.
Noahs RC Ark Club Discount
Captain Jacks Models
Models, Model Lighting, Collectables & Retro, – especially recomended for model lighting
A discount is available to Hayling Island Model Boat Club Members. The website is being overerhauled at the moment, especially regarding the lighting and components sections, once this is completed discount codes will be available. While the products and automation are reviewed, if you place an order, please mention the club on checkout and a discount refund on the items will be provided.
Chris – Captain Jack’s Models
Captain Jacks Models
Sussex Model Centre
57-59 Broadwater Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 8AH
Sussex Model Centre
Gaugemaster Controls Ltd
Gaugemaster House, Ford Road, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 0BN
Howes Models
The longest serving model shop in the country.
RC boats, cars, batteries, modelling accesories etc.
Howes Models